2024: week 10.

monday, march 4.

I hung out with a new friend after work on Monday. We met a long time ago, but I ran into her a couple weeks ago at a coffee pop-up. Honestly, I reached out to her because, after chatting with her for just a few minutes, I knew she was someone who heard from God, and I didn’t think it was a coincidence that we’d just recently ran into each other again. We mostly talked about what we think God is doing, what it feels like to wait and see, and how we hear His voice. It was so good and inspiring to meet up with someone like that.

tuesday, march 5.

Tuesday’s my church day, especially since I stayed home on Sunday after traveling on Saturday. The message was so good, I keep thinking about it. I re-watched it over the weekend. I’ve journaled about it. I’ve mentioned it to multiple people in conversation. I think it’s because it was centered around a passage of scripture in the Old Testament that I’ve read multiple times before but never really slowed down enough to think about what it meant. It honestly just seemed like a weird, random story that was thrown in — which is never actually the case with the stories in the Bible, but you know. I loved hearing the way the pastor tied it to other verses in the New Testament and to Jesus.

wednesday, march 6.

We had a roommate dinner night this night – which just meant we all planned to be home at the same time and eat our dinners together. It was nice to all be home at the same time and catch up, but it also feels intentional that we aren’t taking living together for granted. We didn’t say it, but it kind of felt like we were soaking it in.

thursday, march 7.

I babysat and worked late. Which means that after losing at Mario Kart to an 8-year-old, I sat on someone else’s couch, watched a monitor, and continued working on projects for my day job.

friday, march 8.


And here is the single photo I took all week.

The company I work for is fully remote, and one of my coworkers posted a message in our “just for fun” channel asking everyone to share a photo of the view out the nearest window. It was fun to see what the weather was like for everyone, but it mostly turned into a conversation about our plants and which ones needed some help from one of our graphic designers/resident plant guy.

saturday, march 9.

The last few weeks have been full, and it was really nice to not have anything on the calendar. I slept in (until almost 9 — which is a big achievement over here) and spent so much time with Jesus. Having nothing on the agenda meant I could just sit. For as long as I wanted. A few years ago, the thought of just sitting with Jesus was such a foreign concept to me, and now it’s like my favorite thing to just be with Him.

sunday, march 10.

I served at church, which meant I was up early — and it felt extra early because of daylight saving time. And it was a bit colder than it’s been. But! It was sunny, and the sun set later, and spring is coming.